Your questions will be answered by people with actual property tax expertience.

Commercial Property Tax Frequently Asked Questions

What do you charge?

For competitive pricing on property tax services for commercial properties, please contact the Bettencourt Tax Advisors, LLC Commercial Services department at or call 713-263-6100 ext. 2.

When is the last day I can sign up for a protest?

Typically, you have 30 days from the day you receive your notice from the Appraisal District for a protest to be filed on your property appraisal, or May 15th at the county appraisal district, in general. Please sign up immediately upon receipt of your notice to ensure your protest is filed on time. Contact BTA for assistance.

How do I sign up to have Bettencourt Tax Advisors protest my property appraisal?

Look for the Account Sign-Up tab in the upper right hand corner of the BTA web page and follow the directions. Once you have completed the on-line portion of your sign-up an e-mail will be sent to you with documents that must be signed, dated, and returned immediately in order to complete the sign up process. Please recognize as a trusted email address in your Inbox so you will receive these documents in a timely manner.

You will receive a Property Tax Services Agreement and Appointment of Agent (AOA) which are necessary in order for Bettencourt Tax Advisors, LLC to serve as your fiduciary at the county appraisal district.

A Property Condition Report (PCR) will also be included with the email. A completed PCR lets the BTA team know of any specific issues concerning your property. Be sure to include any additional documentation/evidence referenced in the PCR. The sooner you complete, sign, date, and return this form, the sooner we can review it to determine if additional evidence is needed to present your case at the appraisal district.

How will we communicate about information concerning my property?

You will receive e-mails from BTA about additional information that might be needed for your hearing, hearing results, and judicial appeal and arbitration deadlines.

If I hire Bettencourt Tax Advisors, what does BTA do for me?

BTA will file your protest for you, and then represent you at the informal hearing and the formal hearing. If there is a strong case for a value reduction and the county appraisal district will not agree to it in the formal hearing, Bettencourt Tax Advisors can provide litigation management and support, or arbitration services on your behalf.

What do I do if the county has incorrect information on record for my property?

Call BTA. We will work with the Appraisal District to rectify any incorrect information shown on your property record. This would be done while protesting your property value and could contribute to lowering the appraised value on your property.

If you need additional information, please call BTA at (713)263-6100, or e-mail us at